
how to













The list below is the raw data from which this project is drawn; the original TDC list is at and was apparently compiled by asking TDC members what they thought were the most notable typefaces of all time.

Click on the typeface names below to find out more, because each of the typefaces has a individual profile page, but depending on what you want to find out, (who, when, where or why), you might want to start at the how to page.


the top 100 types of all time?

1. Gutenberg’s B-42 type
2. Nicolas Jenson’s roman
3. Francesco Griffo’s italic
4. Claude Garamond’s roman
5. Firmin Didot’s roman
6. Akzidenz Grotesk
7. Gebetbuch type
8. Cheltenham family
9. Helvetica
10. Aldus Manutius’ roman
11. William Caslon IV’s sans serif
12. William Caslon’s roman
13. Pierre-Simon Fournier’s italic
14. Futura
15. Times Roman
16. Chicago
17. Bell
18. Ludovico Arrighi da Vicenza’s italic
19. Univers
20. Romain du Roi
21. Johann Michael Fleischmann’s roman
22. Clarendon
23. ATF Garamond
24. Giambattista Bodoni’s roman
25. Century Old Style

26. Nicolas Kis’ roman
27. Minion multiple master
28. Unger Fraktur
29. John Baskerville’s roman
30. Lucida
31. Ionic
32. Golden Type
33. Robert Thorne’s fat face roman
34. Wolfgang Hoppyl’s textura
35. Vincent Figgins’ antique roman (Egyptian)
36. Johnston’s Railway Sans
37. Optima
38. Bauer Bodoni
39. Adobe Garamond
40. Breitkopf Fraktur
41. Bell Gothic
42. Courier
43. Trajan
44. Mistral
45. Doves Type
46. Scotch Roman
47. Syntax
48. Snell Roundhand
49. Memphis
50. Robert Granjon’s civilité

51. Fette Fraktur
52. Ehrhard Ratdolt’s rotunda
53. Romanée
54. ITC Stone family
55. Trinité
56. ITC Garamond
57. Avant-Garde Gothic
58. Oakland
59. Deutschschrift
60. Hammer Uncial
61. Beowolf
62. Meta
63. OCR-A
64. Sabon
65. ITC Novarese
66. Zapf Chancery
67. Rotis
68. Base Nine and Base Twelve
69. Peter Jessenschrift
70. Excelsior Script
71. Bitstream Charter
72. Peignot
73. Erbar
74. Cancellaresca Bastarda
75. Joanna
76. Dead History
77. Behrensschrift
78. Eckmannschrift
79. Poetica
80. Marconi
81. PMN Caecilia
82. Stadia/Insignia
83. Imprint
84. Souvenir
85. Thesis
86. Apollo
87. Penumbra
88. Melior
89. Neuland
90. ITC Flora
91. Element
92. Walker
93. Remedy
94. Template Gothic
95. Digi-Grotesk Series S
96. Compacta
97. Antique Olive
98. Bodoni 26
99. Evans and Epps Alphabet
100. WTC Our Bodoni
